
Caffeinate your life… freeing yourself to pursue your passion

Whether you are self-published or contracted, an author’s time can be stretched-thin, stifling creativity. It takes time and effort to promote and maintain your work as you grow your audience. Creating innovative ways to connect with your audience, strengthen loyalty and keeping your readers informed can be time-consuming. Often these tasks can infringe on all aspects of your life. Caffeinated PR Services can reduce stress, offer fresh ideas for exposure and aid in branding, marketing, and uplifting your visibility all while allowing you to pursue your passion.

caffeinated services

We can provide help with the following areas:

  • Manage social media
  • Promote and maintain Facebook Fan page/group
  • newsletter
  • Organize and maintain ARC group
  • Freshen and maintain website while assisting to increase visibility
  • Maintain Goodreads and Amazon Author pages/add books
  • Marketing campaigns
  • Blogger outreach
  • Beta read
  • Handle giveaways from set-up to mailing prizes
  • Strategy and coaching
  • Flexibility to handle additional tasks or challenges
  • Manage NetGalley
  • Media Kits
  • Branding
  • Share connections in the industry for cover, banners, teasers and editing needs
  • personal touch
  • tours/blitzes

à la carte services

Contact me regarding these limited services for non-clients

  • cover reveals
  • blitz
  • tours
  • blogger/reviewer outreach

Caffeinated PR is familiar with current social media trends and promotions. Prior PR work and non-profit experience have given me the tools to provide organized services and recognize ways to promote your brand. As a blog owner and reviewer, I have gained invaluable knowledge in approaching and reaching target audiences and reviewers. I am passionate about the written word and take pleasure in uplifting authors. Let me “caffeinate” your life, freeing you to pursue your passion.

Grab a cup of coffee and let’s chat about ways I can assist.

Read testimonials from Caffeinated clients on our About Page

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